A Supercut of Sci-fi / Horror Movie Clips Pefectly Sums Up the Pandemic...

A Supercut of Sci-fi / Horror Movie Clips Pefectly Sums Up the Pandemic

A movie director put together a super cut of horror and sci fic flicks that perfectly sums up everything we've been going through over the last few months.

It includes clips from"Alien","They Live","The Terminator"1 and 2,"Jaws","I Am Legend","The Thing","The Shining","I Am Legend","Night of the Living Dead","Dawn of the Dead",

"The Birds","Rosemary's Baby","Invasion of the Body Snatchers","Shaun of the Dead","The Mist","Cabin in the Woods","Halloween","Poltergeist","28 Days Later", and more. (WARNING: contains profanity.)

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